Where exactly is City Laser Lab located?


We are conveniently located on Queens Boulevard and 76th Road in Forest Hills, Queens New York. We are next door to Sam Ash Music Store (in the same building), and directly across the street from PC Richards and Queens Bully Eatery. The exact address is 114-06 Queens Boulevard Suite A2. Forest Hills NY 11375.


Where can I park?


There is meter parking on Queens Boulevard and side streets. Additionally there is a paid parking lot on our block.


What subway trains are near?


The F or E express train to Union Turnpike stop
The R or M train to 71st Continental Avenue stop


Can I get and evening or weekend appointment?


We understand busy NY work schedules and we are as accommodating and flexible as possible. We can occasionally stay open late pass 7 PM or open early on weekdays. Currently we are NOT seeing patients on the weekends but our phone line is open 7 days a week to answer questions and schedule or cancel appointments.


Who is going to be performing the treatment?


All patients are seen by master practitioner
Patricia M. Masino MBA BSRT CLT CMA

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